Dec.25 Merry Xmas to all! We went the Andale to Sampson Cay Club for a delicious Xmas lunch. During the afternoon and into the evening, the wind picked up but our new trusty, rusty Rocna (which we have named Cecil after a 350lb, 6ft 3” Bahamian taxi driver we used at Windermere for years) held wonderfully.
Dec. 26-27 We stayed put and did indoor projects while the storm raged outside. We were the only trawler surrounded by five sailboats. We felt like the mother hen and her chicks. Luckily, everyone’s anchor held and we all made it through. The winds were as high as 30 knots at times.
Dec. 28 The storm winds had swung around to a more manageable direction and the “conga line” of all of our chicks led us back through the narrow cut and into our usual anchorage at Big Majors. In the afternoon, we went to in the tender to Andale at Sampson Cay marina, where they were hiding, and watched the weather channel. We learned there was a big snow storm in the northeast and our next guest was snowed in and wouldn’t be coming for a few more days.
Dec. 29- 30 With nicer weather came trips to Staniel for groceries, swimming and visiting with new cruising friends. We even tried a new restaurant which was pretty good and had a good view of the beach.
Dec 31 Andale came over and joined us in our tender while we watched the Bahamian sloops racing off of Staniel. Kat had Bloody Marys and snacks so we were happy campers. Luckily, we were able to be right by the windward mark and watched the two big sloops come right for us! This year, they allowed cruisers to join the regular Bahamian crews and it made for a better time for all. The yacht club area was a zoo but we managed lunch afterwards. For New Years Eve dinner, we invited a Canadian couple over for dinner. They are on a big converted fishing boat trawler and were lots of fun. Champagne flowed but we did’nt make it to midnight.
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