Aug 5 The weather was not bad and we had a good current with us so we decided to go all the way to Halifax. Halifax is one of the largest natural harbors in the world but luckily there is an offshoot called North West Arm and one can go up to the end and anchor in a nice quiet area. First, we pulled into a marina to clear back into Canada because we had been in “France”. As we motored up to the anchorage, we noticed two boats of our group already there. Small world isn’t it. We all went into the local yacht club and had drinks.
Aug 6 What a gorgeous day! Sunny, warm, and no wind. We shared a cab with some friends and went to the big indoor farmers’ market. It was wonderful with great local produce and crafts and food to nibble on as well. Afterwards, we met up with a couple who own a sister ship to Windermere and had lunch and they showed us their boat. Afterwards, they took us back to our boat and we all had cocktails and dinner outside! Our captain from time to time, Peter Murphy, joined us. He lives in Halifax.
Aug. 7 Gray again but it was time to go further west along the coast to Mahone Bay where we anchored off the town. The cook wanted to eat out so we walked along the main street and found a great bistro and had a delicious dinner.
Aug. 8 The naval architect for the boat came to Mahone and drove us to Lunenburg to see the new building of a famous schooner called Bluenose. He is the architect for that project too. Then we fed him lunch and he helped us with questions we had about the boats design. Even tough it was rainy, we need to move on a short ways to the LeHave River and anchor for the night.
Aug 9 Not bad weather greeted us which was nice for a change and we made good time to Negro Harbor and anchored off of a beach out of the wind. The sun was out and we were able to enjoy its warmth during cocktails and cards on the aft deck. John even had a cigar!
Aug.10 We left at 5 am for Yarmouth trying to get the Bay of Fundy tides to help us. We were not quick enough and we had to crank up the engine to keep a reasonable speed. It was raining and very windy but we were able to anchor right off town in a secure spot for the night.
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